Rescue Your Marriage

from Betrayal, Pornography & Affairs


The most comprehensive guide to overcome unwanted sexual behavior and deception


Simultaneously address Addiction, Betrayal, Marriage, and Religious Distortion


Learn to rebuild safety and trust with your spouse as allies rather than enemies.


Maximize quality & minimize time by doing the right interventions in the right order.

Avoid the BIGGEST MISTAKES after betrayal

"Our marriage is better than I could have dreamed. This changed not only our marriage but the trajectory of my life and our children’s lives. We are forever thankful for the Marriage Recovery Course!"
- Mikaela

"The Marriage Recovery Course taught us real skills that we use to this day.  We were on a clear path for divorce and would not be experiencing the love, health, joy and hope we now have both as individuals and as a couple!"
- C.D.R.

"I cannot recommend highly enough the tools and resources we gained through the work we did in this course. It has been truly life-changing."
- Brandon

"This approach helped us navigate how to share our pain, step into the triggers. I learned to understand the brain and how to navigate language into our prefrontal cortex. We now have hope."

"The tools and frameworks we learned through the Marriage Recovery Course materials have forever changed me as an individual and have helped us rebuild the foundation of our marriage on safety, curiosity, and compassion.”
- SV


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