Rescue your Marriage

from Betrayal, Pornography & Affairs





We understand the impact of unwanted sexual behavior and deception. We assure you, there IS hope!

Healing a marriage after sexual betrayal is a complex process, but it doesn't have to be confusing.  By following a proven plan to holistic healing, couples not only heal their marriage, but make it better than ever before.

By using the comprehensive, holistic, and collaborative approach taught only in the Marriage Recovery Course, couples become allies rather than enemies in a divided approach. 

The effect produces twice the quality of outcomes in half the time, meaning marriages not just survive, but flourish.

Find out why MRC grads say they completely transform their marriage and lives and created a marriage "better than they ever dreamed possible."

Marriage Recovery Course

The most comprehensive guide to a thriving marriage after betrayal



Simultaneously address Betrayal Trauma, Addiction Psychology & Marriage Dynamics

Don't let a divided approach to recovery undermine your marriage due to dangerous feedback loops which create hostility instead of empathy.  Experience the power of alignment and mutuality as you heal your relationship together, leaving nothing to chance.


Heal the roots of unwanted sexual behavior and trauma responses

Go beyond surface level "solutions" and get to the roots of unwanted sexual behaviors and healing betrayal trauma.  Transform, not just patch up broken marriage dynamics so that you both feel safe and secure in a fully reformed and flourishing marriage dynamics.


Trade religious distortion for gospel-driven grace and life

Separate harmful religious dogma from the freedom and grace found in the gospel.  Unburden your heart, mind, and marriage from shame and lies about sex.  Experience the beauty of sex as God originally intended it to be before the fall and taste true relationship intimacy on all levels.

Best of All Approaches

Avoid the pitfalls of a divided approach to recovery by seamlessly interweaving and balancing the best of all four predominant perspectives into a unified and holistic approach.


Seeing each other through the lens of trauma creates both compassion and accountability to heal root issues.


The lens of addiction reveals unhealthy coping mechanisms on both sides that must be addressed for mutual flourishing.


Learn to identify and rewrite unhealthy patterns of engagement that undermine both spouses and the relationship.


Learn how total accountability paired with amazing grace heals and sets free to experience genuine intimacy.


What's Included

Holistic Approach

Set your marriage up for the ideal outcome by integrating the best of all four approaches as you simultaneously address issues for "him, her, and them" from a place of calm and respect.

Bite-Size Pieces

Avoid feeling overwhelmed thanks to all 80+ lessons being divided into 10-30 minute lessons accessed anytime, anywhere. Use study questions and journal prompts to easily integrate new concepts.


Systematically address all the key issues in the right order to maximize healing and minimize unnecessary pain.  Learn to see the big picture and how it all fits together to protect your relationship from an imbalanced recovery.

Guided Practice

Accelerate your understanding and application through handouts, worksheets, journal prompts, check-in guides, and discussion tips to quickly achieve wins both individually and relationally.

Easy To Understand

Discover how easy it can be to make sense of complicated concepts thanks to the gifted instruction of a veteran teacher and counselor.  Quickly learn Complex System Dynamics so you are empowered to combat half-truths and lies.

Academic Support

Don't let confusion or overwhelm slow you down.  JeremyAI is available at any moment to help you make sense of new concepts.  Trained on every bit of knowledge at MRC, he can easily field questions provide additional support when you need it most. (Optional add-on)


Experience a 5-star recovery by pairing MRC with 1:1 professional care tailored to your situation. Never be left wondering how to apply what you're learning and get the emotional support you need. (Optional add-on)

Ideal For

those who believe:

  1. Their marriage is worth saving and healing is possible even after significant betrayal
  2. Working through trauma is essential and more effective than suppressing it
  3. Both spouses must address their own shortcomings to best help the relationship & are willing to do so
  4. Professional guidance can provide valuable tools and insights beyond what they could achieve on their own
  5. Investing time and money into personal and relational health is well worth the long-term benefits
  6. Structured learning paired with practical exercises can effectively aid the transformation of relationship dynamics

"I cannot recommend highly enough the tools and resources we gained through the work we did in this course. It has been truly life-changing."
- Brandon

"I learned to understand the brain and how to navigate language. We now have hope." 

"The tools and frameworks we learned through the Marriage Recovery Course materials have forever changed me as an individual and have helped us rebuild the foundation of our marriage on safety, curiosity, and compassion.”
- SV

Meet Your Instructor

I'm Jeremy Smith and I know what it's like to be addicted to porn. When I finally stepped into the light, God started me on a journey that I could never have imagined.

I also know what it's like to experience betrayal trauma... from friends, family and the church. I have chosen to be a survivor rather than a victim.

As a licensed therapist and certified coach, I specialize in Marriage Recovery and am passionate about helping men and women flourish even after intimate partner betrayal.

If you're serious about making change and willing to do the hard work, then MRC is for you!  I can't wait to join you on your journey of healing and flourishing!


"Our marriage is better than I could have dreamed. This changed not only our marriage but the trajectory of my life and our children’s lives. We are forever thankful for the Marriage Recovery Course!"
- Mikaela

"The Marriage Recovery Course taught us real skills that we use to this day and still work to improve.  We were on a clear path for divorce and would not be experiencing the love, health, joy and hope we now have both as individuals and as a couple!"
- C.D.R.

"This approach helped us share our pain, step into triggers, take ownership, educated us, helped me connect emotionally. I learned to understand the brain and how to navigate language. We now have hope." 


You Can Experience:

  • Hope that your marriage can be better than before
  • Confidence that you and your spouse are headed in the same direction
  • Holistic intimacy thanks to emotional attainment, maturity, and empathy
  •  Alignment and cohesiveness of a collaborative approach to recovery
  • Freedom from damaging religious distortions
  • Healing from pornography and unwanted sexual behaviors
  • A future of flourishing connection that transforms generations to come

"Our marriage is better than I could have dreamed. This changed not only our marriage but the trajectory of my life and our children’s lives. We are forever thankful for the Marriage Recovery Course!"
- Mikaela

"The Marriage Recovery Course taught us real skills that we use to this day and still work to improve.  We were on a clear path for divorce and would not be experiencing the love, health, joy and hope we now have both as individuals and as a couple!"
- C.D.R.

"This approach helped us share our pain, step into triggers, take ownership, educated us, helped me connect emotionally. I learned to understand the brain and how to navigate language. We now have hope." 



Frequently Asked Questions

Is There A Guarantee?

Yes, all courses come with a 30 day money-back guarantee.

How Long Do I Get Access?

Enrollment includes lifetime access with unlimited replays.

How Much Time Is Needed?

Most students devote 1-2 hours at least twice per week, but the pace is up to you.

How Long Does It Take?

It depends on your pace.  Because integration and application are the key, most students watch MRC at least twice.

When Should I Start Counseling?

Best outcomes occur when MRC is paired with regular coaching/counseling in a hybrid approach.

Is MRC The Same As Therapy?

While the content is identical to what Jeremy covers in therapy, the course is not a replacement for therapy.

What If My Spouse Is Resistant?

The video style of MRC makes it safer and easier to overcome hesitancies.  It also shows you how to best show up for the relationship, regardless of what they choose.

Do We Watch Together or Apart?

Most couples prefer to watch the material and do the homework separately, then have a weekly check in together about what they learned.

How Can I Be Sure It Works?

Proof is in the pudding, so check out the articles, podcasts, and testimonials from MRC graduates.  The results speak for themselves.


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