Know & Be Known Conference


Experience the Power of 

Heart to Heart



What To Expect:


Highly engaging presentation, small group dialog & live Q&A

Guided Practice

Regular times to try new skills 1:1 with your partner

Collaborative Discussion

Regular opportunities to process in small groups

Heart to Heart

Learn to confidently navigate vulnerable conversations

Simple & Effective

Learn a 3 step approach that gets results every time

Genuine Intimacy 

Experience deep connection through non-judgmental curiosity



  • 4 hours of professional instruction
  • 1.5 hours of guided discussion and practice rounds
  • 16 lessons ranging from 7-30 minutes
  • Discussion prompts during and after each lesson
  • Template for Heart to Heart Script
  • Tips Sheet for Heart to Heart Script  (22 practical suggestions)
  • Practice sessions after each step of the script 
  • 10 digital handouts used during the conference
  • 3 bonus videos on marriage, sex, intimacy and the polyvagal theory
  • Unlimited replays for life

What attendees are saying:

"We both came away with feelings of excitement and encouragement."

"It was one of the quickest, easiest, most engaging marriage conferences we've ever been to."

"We learned a valuable skill that will help us to attune to our own and our spouse's emotions."

"It was high energy, well-paced, humorous, vulnerable, engaging, and hope filled."

"This helped us both feel seen, heard and understood."

"The H2H Script is a tremendous tool to facilitate conversation that produces connection."

"Everything felt extremely applicable. The 3 step process, the psychology, the resources, etc."

"Excellent content, group interaction, audience inclusion."

"The instruction, videos and modeling were very helpful."

"My wife and I have more hope in our lives and relationship."

"We bumbled along but it was a great time of connection."

"Table discussions helped me put ideas into words and hear other sides I hadn’t thought of yet."

"The 1:1 sessions were fantastic!  We were able to talk about the emotional aspect of a situation that we just had not been able to talk about before. It brought me to tears, of relief, of compassion and of love."

"Upbeat, well-paced, interactive presentation with plenty of brain breaks, interspersing content with practice, information and application, humor and heart touching stories."

"This course is so helpful in learning to build safety and communication skills in all your relationships, not just marriage. What was learned can be used to help me and my husband to really learn to listen with our hearts."

"Jeremy's Know & Be Known conference is beyond helpful in learning to build emotional bonds that encourages fuller understanding of your spouse, yourself, & others. While the concepts may seem daunting at first, they are expressed & utilized in a way that is simple for the brain to accept & the heart to benefit from."

"The best, most practical conference on relational connection I've attended! You will take home a simple, easy to follow guide to help facilitate connection between you and your spouse, or anyone else, for that matter! We are filled with greater hope and joy for our relationship going forward."

"If you can’t seem to have a conversation with your significant other without it turning bad, or you never seen to resolve issues, this is the conference for you. Learn how to navigate each other’s emotional ups and downs using a script that keeps you focused on de-escalating conflict and resolution. Brad & Robin Gifford"

"The Know and Be Known conference is informative, energetic, with interactive tools that can change our communication from basic head information to heart level connection. The method is not overly complicated but needs practice which will help us grow as a couple in our truly knowing each other. This was a conference well worth our time and money. Jeremy & Sarah modeled to us knowledge, authenticity and connection! Thank you for the encouragement and hope you have given us!"

"This simple 5.5 hour conference offered us an easy to use, 3 step template for connection that has the potential to transform how we communicate and connect in our marriage. After 38 years, that's pretty compelling! And hope-filled!"

"Knowing how to have heart to heart conversations is going to be a game changer in our home. Both for my relationship with my husband and with my children!"

"This conference is SO worthwhile. I wish we had learned these principles long ago and could have modeled them for our children. But it's never too late! Now we will model them for our children and our grandchildren!"


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DISCLAIMER: The outcomes described on this page and in the courses are real outcomes of clients who have implemented the methodology taught by MRC. Please understand these results are very much possible, but depend on the continual efforts of both spouses for duration of the recovery journey. We cannot guarantee you will duplicate their results, as the average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results if not paired with action and 1:1 professional guidance. We use these references for example and inspirational purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your personal background, experience, and work ethic as well as those of your spouse. All growth entails risk as well as massive, consistent effort and action.  If both you and your spouse are willing to do those things, you too can experience results similar to MRC graduates.