Religion vs Gospel Interview
- 10:50 Religion and gospel defined
- 16:20 Why are people attracted to religion?
- 18:40 Response to belief of being "the way"
- 22:03 Can religion mix with the gospel?
- 25:57 Upside down kingdom
- 27:07 What does healthy leadership look like?
- 27:49 What is emotional maturity?
- 29:07 How did Jesus navigate religion in his day?
- 34:20 How spiritual abuse happens
- 35:23 How to separate religion from the gospel
- 42:49 The grieving process
- 48:43 What is ministry?
- 55:37 Movement, ministry, monument
- 57:49 Stages of spiritual growth
- 1:04:13 Can you deconstruct God?

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