Question & Answer
October 2023 - FTD
What's Covered:
- Can you truly trust without a FTD?
- How do you find help getting an FTD?
- Is it possible to beat the polygraph exam?
- How can a woman prepare for FTD?
- Can a woman request specific questions be included?
- What's the advantage of a one-time full disclosure vs a repeat partial disclosure?
- Is there an advantage to verbal vs written disclosure?
- Is there an advantage to it being read by the therapist?
- Is there an advantage to it being together vs apart?
- Can disclosure could do more harm than good?
- What if I don't believe the full disclosure?
- How long does it take?
- Must IĀ continue in the marriage relationship after betrayal?
- What happens when you have dribble disclosure out over 6 years?