"Better than we ever dreamed possible"

addiction betrayal counseling marriage true stories Aug 13, 2024


Trevor and Grace were a young couple with small children when they first contacted me.  Like many, they had entered marriage believing:

  • Sex would solve Trevor's porn addictionIt didn't.
  • Grace could love him so well that he wouldn't be temptedShe couldn't.


On a work trip a few years into their marriage, Trevor made a string of poor choices.  He lied to Grace about the questionable charges and denied any inappropriate sexual behavior. 

Grace wanted to believe the best about her husband, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.  Eventually, she dug deeper into his financial transactions and phone history.

What Grace discovered broke her heart and made her question their entire marriage.  Overwhelmed with shame, Trevor disclosed more of his struggles.


Their pastor pointed them my way, knowing they needed help both individually and as a couple.  He advised them it would be a complex process, but that the results were totally worth it.

Trevor and Grace started counseling with me, beginning with parallel solo sessions and eventually adding joint sessions as they each became healthier.

They enrolled in the Marriage Recovery Course, watching the videos daily and faithfully doing the homework.  They eagerly learned and embraced the holistic perspective unique to MRC and quickly implemented collaborative strategies to repair their relationship.

Both joined healthy support groups thanks to MRC and attended weekly.


It was a lot of work at first and deeply challenging at times.  However, it forced them to deal with underlying issues they had avoided their entire lives, especially during marriage. 

As they began to experience personal health, both their individual and relationship work became easier and more hope-filled.


By using a comprehensive, holistic, and faith-friendly approach to individual and systemic healing, they experienced transformation neither imagined at the start. 

They did it all, they did it well, and it paid off dramatically!


Within a matter of months, they began to describe their relationship this way:

“Our marriage is completely different and better than we ever dreamed possible.”


Thank you Trevor and Grace for being such great clients and for allowing me to share your story here!

If you want your marriage to be "completely different" and "better than [you] could dream possible," then you'll need a guide who understands the entire process and a spouse willing to go on the journey with you.

If that's you, then the next step is to enroll in the most comprehensive guide to holistic healing:


Marriage Recovery Course








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