Bermuda Pyramid

Which approach is best?


Betrayal, Addiction, Marriage, Religion...

Learn how to integrate the best of each approach
and avoid their pitfalls.

Create a Comprehensive, Integrated &
BalancedĀ approach to recovery.


What's the difference?

Certifications explained:

Who should I see?

Learn how to assess for
best fit for your situation.

Benefits & Risks

Insider secrets about each
professional approach.

How do I balance them?

Integrate the best of each approach to maximize healing.

How can I avoid pitfalls?

Understand professional bias to
avoid pitfalls that limit healing.

Practical Application

Hone your skills through interactive case study analysis.

Integrated Balance

Everything you need for a balanced approach to marriage recovery.

What students are saying:

"So insightful!  I had no idea how to pick a therapist, but thanks to this course, I now feel empowered!"

"What a gifted teacher.  Jeremy is so easy to follow and understand. I love his teaching style, so helpful."

Wish we had found this course before starting recovery.  It could have saved us SO MUCH heartache.